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Safety at ELL

Safety Overview

At ELL, we take safety very seriously.  The goals of the ELL Safety Program are to:

  1. Establish guidelines and procedures designed to ensure the safety objectives are met; and
  2. Establish education and awareness channels for safety matters and the well-being of players, families, and staff. 

All ELL participants, volunteers, spectators, and guests are responsible for helping create a safe environment for one another.  

The ELL Safety Officer is responsible for maintaining and overseeing the Safety Program. One of his/her primary responsibilities is to create awareness, through education, documentation and communication, of safety matters and to establish guidelines and policies that will help provide a safe environment for players, families, and volunteers alike. The Safety Officer updates the Safety Plan before each season begins. Once approved, the Safety Plan is filed with Little League, Inc., published with updated Local Rules and Operating Guidelines and distributed to the Managers/Coaches as part of the required annual Safety Training prior to the start of the season.

Please take the time to read through this year’s Safety Plan.  In it you’ll find:

  • Program Overview
  • Safety Officer and ELL Board Responsibilities
  • Coach and Manager Responsibilities
  • Parent Responsibilities
  • Facility and Equipment Safety Guidelines
  • Guidelines for Injury Prevention and Recognition
  • Injury Reporting and Instructions for Medical and Dental Claims
  • and more…

Little League’s Child Protection program - (Background Checks Required of All Volunteers)

The Little League Child Protection Program seeks to educate children and volunteers in ways to prevent child abusers from becoming involved in the local league. A core element of the ELL Safety Program is ensuring all volunteers with access to minors pass a criminal history and background check through the United States Department of Justice National Sex Offender Registry ( For this reason, ELL requires all volunteers who have direct access to children as part of their volunteer service to register as a volunteer in our Registration system and pass the criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Pitch Count Limits by Little League 

Little League publishes official regulations and playing rules each year which include setting limits on the number of pitches and/or innings a player may pitch in specified time frames (see Pitching Rules). Coaches and managers should know these rules well since they are accountable not only to their local league officials but to Little League International for complying with the established limits.

Reporting an injury 

  • In the unfortunate case a player or volunteer sustains an injury while participating in league activities, follow these initial steps (links to all instructions and forms are in the Safety Plan):
  • Treat the injury and seek professional medical attention without delay as appropriate. At all times, an injury should be immediately reported to an ELL coach or manager – even if it’s a coach or manager of another team.
  • Notify the ELL Safety Officer of the incident, by email, within 24 hours: [email protected] 
  • Complete the Injury/Incident report and send to ELL Safety Officer within 48 hours.
  • After initial reporting of the incident to the ELL Safety Officer, it’s required that an AIG accident notification form be received by Little League International within 20 days of the incident. The Safety Officer can guide you through that process and further steps, as appropriate.  

If you have any questions about anything covered above or in the Safety Plan – or related to safety and not covered in the plan – please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Safety Officer directly. 

Thank you, 

Eastlake Little League Safety Officer
[email protected]

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